Research Project: ‘Animals in Armed Conflict’. Presentation on ‘Animals and Disasters’

On 11st and 26th June 2020 Prof. Giulio Bartolini participated in a webinar organised in the framework of the international research project ‘Animals in Armed Conflict’ managed by the Geneva Academy of International Humanitarian Law and Human Rights and the Max Planck Institute for Comparative Public aw and International Law.

Particularly on 11st June, Prof. Bartolini presented on ‘Animals and Disasters’ analysing legal challenges posed by disaster settings for animals and legal initiatives and instruments addressing such issues. A specific attention was made to scenarios as the protection of animals in disaster relief operations and the involvement of trained animals in relief activities, also in order to verify whether animal welfare issues have been taken into account in such scenarios.

The paper will be included in an edited volume managed by Prof. Anne Peters, Jérôme de Hemptinne and Robert Kolb to be published by a leading international publisher.