Launch of the Disaster Law Database

Disasters cause enormous human suffering and loss worldwide, however laws and policies at the international, regional and domestic level can contribute in managing, mitigating and preventing natural and technological hazards. International and domestic legal frameworks for managing disasters are fragmented, multi-layered and constantly evolving. Against this backdrop, the Disaster Law Database, an initiative of the IFRC and Roma Tre University’s Jean Monnet Project ‘Disseminating Disaster Law for Europe’, with the support of the University College Cork and the Universities of Canterbury and Victoria, provides practitioners, volunteers and academics with a unique disaster law instrument, through a collection and systematization of relevant national, regional and international practice on disaster law.

On 30 June 2021, at the occasion of the launch of the Disaster Law Database, IFRC and Roma Tre University brought together high standing practitioners and academics involved in the management of leading initiatives in the field of disaster law to reflect on state-of-the-art disaster law practice and its mutual implications with climate change and environmental law.

The event was co-chaired by Professor Giulio Bartolini (Associate Professor of International Law at Roma Tre University, Director of the Jean Monnet Project ‘Disseminating Disaster Law for Europe’) and Isabelle Granger (Lead, IFRC Disaster Law).

Distinguished speakers included:

  • Eleonora Branca (Post-Doc Research Fellow, Roma Tre University)
  • Dug Cubie (Lecturer in Law, University College Cork)
  • Arnold Pronto (Principal Legal Officer, Office of Legal Affairs, Codification Division, United Nations)
  • Michael Gerrard (Andrew Sabin Professor of Professional Practice, Sabin Center for Climate Change Law, Columbia University)
  • Diego Jara (Legal Officer, IUCN Environmental Law Programme)
  • Maria Mercedes Martínez (Disaster Law Coordinator, IFRC Africa Regional Office)


The webinar program can be downloaded here.

The video of the event is available here.